Blog Posts

Anne Marie’s Musings and Wonderings, full of thoughts, questions, ideas to help readers reflect and develop new skills 

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Take back personal power: how to resist being influenced

  I published a blog-post recently on how to use Cialdini’s ‘Six Principles of Influence and Persuasion’ to influence more effectively at work and now it is time to tackle that rather elusive area of resisting influence, so that I can get on with the job (or whatever I am

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Good boss, bad boss, so what?

Much research into the reasons why people leave their jobs tends to point either directly to the relationship with their boss or to some aspect of the relationship with the organisation for which the immediate manager has responsibility (See Gallup). People don’t leave when they are: valued for making a contribution; respected for knowledge

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Performance Review: the 9 to 1 Rule….

Performance management is founded on the concept that we need to look back at the previous year and see what we could have done better and set goals to address this in the following year’s plan. After all my years (and we are talking many, many years) of both participating

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A customer for life, for less than the price of a chicken…..

We all have tons of experiences of good and bad customer service to share and isn’t it amazing how disinterested those business who rely on loyal customers are in developing and growing positive customer experiences: from a genuine smile to seeking customer feedback on how to improve and do things

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