
Here's what Anne Marie's clients have to say

‘It was an excellent experience. Anne-Marie Crowley was fabulous, she explained the whole experience, was very gentle but kept me on the right direction and totally tailored the coaching experience to my needs but in a structured way. After the first meet and greet session, Anne-Marie explained the route we were taking, sought agreement and we went on an enjoyable and purposeful journey’

‘This experience with coaching and my coach Anne Marie was very valuable for me. The practical, genuine and engaging approach adopted by the coach made me feel very comfortable and safe to fully embrace the process and allow me to set direction for the session and get what i needed from the sessions’

‘Application of learning from the coaching sessions to my business environment proved to be very effective in my leadership with the organisation and also in my engagement with external partners and agencies. Performance with my own area of responsibility improved significantly and I managed relationships with external partners more effectively which resulted in better collaboration and ultimately better outcomes’

‘Anne Marie is the consummate professional and the coaching sessions were always well signposted and tailored around my weaknesses, while acknowledging my leadership strengths. Anne Marie was honest and supportive throughout the process and gave great advice and feedback’

‘The coaching sessions were extremely worthwhile and were hugely beneficial to me on a personal level. The opportunity for critical self-reflection on your leadership style does not occur too often, but the coaching session really forces you to identify your weaknesses and puts a structure around improving same.  Would recommend that the coaching sessions are continued for further cohorts’

‘I found the experience to be both positive and helpful. I learned a lot from the engagement with my coach Anne Marie who was very very engaging and professional’

‘I was at a cross roads in my leadership journey and Anne-Marie helped me work out my possibilities. Later on in the journey, as my leadership role changed, Anne-Marie was excellent at running scenarios by and helped me settle into my new role’

‘the coaching experience has help me stop, question my destination, options, re-evaluate them and then work out how I want to reach my destination. It has also improved my confidence in dealing with the persons reporting to me. The feedback and support from Anne-Marie has helped me become a better leader’

‘Anne Marie’s genuine approach to the coaching sessions made me feel very comfortable from the outset. The sessions were well prepared and challenging with great feedback which created a very positive and safe coaching environment. I got a lot from my engagement in this process which has impacted significantly on my leadership style and performance’

‘The results of the ECR 360 Emotional Intelligence Report focused in on one specific area that had developed without I realizing it and through a new understanding of the solution, it helped me become more aware of the steps I needed to take and make more of a conscious effort to maintain it going forward’

‘The importance of setting time aside occasionally to self-reflect is undervalued. It is too easy to be preoccupied with tasks, deadlines, KPI’s and not step back to ensure how your achieving them through your team is still meeting everyone’s satisfaction’

‘I found Anne Marie’s understanding of the grades, structure and expectations of the AP grade within the organisation key to being able probe and decipher underlying aspects impacting some goals and propose actions in a timely fashion so best use was made out of each session’

‘Anne-Marie is very kind, easy to talk to and she gently keeps one going in the direction of one’s destination. She has a lovely and generous way about her, never looking at the clock and the coaching experience was beneficial for my leadership journey and also for my personal journey. I highly recommend Anne-Marie as an excellent leadership coach’

‘The leadership coaching experience was one of the really excellent parts of the Development Programme. Thank you for including it in our development programme’

2021 – 2023 An Garda Síochána (Irish Police Force) Leadership Executive Coaching Clients

I just wanted to let you know that I found your module on ‘Leadership and Management’ really interesting.  Your style and delivery was fantastic and helped keep me engaged throughout. So much interesting content, which I am still reflecting on.  I know we were your first group, so thought it would help to get the feedback.  Your balance of slides and breakout sessions were really good as I think the key to learning is the breakout sessions and coming back to discuss as a wider group. You also have a lovely manner which makes it easier for the people who don’t like speaking up (yes, that is me) to bring their voice, so thank you for that.

Stephanie Ennis, HR Business Partner Pfizer

It was a pleasure to receive coaching from Anne Marie via Kokua Hub, and I strongly recommend her for this.
I felt supported, heard and safe in each one of our meetings. We enjoyed some laughter too!
Anne Marie shared resources with me that I found helpful and practical, and I continue to lean on these. Working with Anne Marie helped me to create meaningful adjustments in my professional and personal life. I’m very grateful to her for this.

Glenda Christie, Customer Experience Team Manager. Fexco

Anne Marie Crowley is part of the team of Course Specialists at the Irish Management Institute/Cork Business School on Level 9/Masters Diplomas including: the ‘Diploma in Organisational Behaviour’, ‘Diploma in Leadership’ and ‘Diploma in Executive Coaching’. In my role as Programme Director of the IMI professional diploma in executive coaching I work with Anne Marie regularly. Anne Marie is an invaluable contributor as Coaching Assessor on the ‘Diploma in Executive Coaching’, Anne Marie is responsible for assessing candidates, giving live feedback on their progress and following that up with submitting results including written feedback using the university’s Canvas system. The ‘Diploma in Executive Coaching’ is one of a suite of Diplomas that, combined together, result in a Masters Degree, accredited by University College, Cork. Based on my knowledge of Anne Marie’s work, her keen interest in learning and development, her 30+years experience working at senior level in organisations such as Eli Lilly and Musgrave, as well as her considerable Third Level Qualifications: BA, H.Dip Ed, MSc, I have no hesitation in recommending her to deliver and assess at Level 8 QQI and above.

Fabio Grassi, Programme Director and Senior Specialist, Core Ideas Ltd

Anne Marie Crowley is part of the team of Course Specialists who deliver the Diploma in Organisational Behaviour which is a level 9 QQI/Masters at the IMI/Cork University Business School. This involves design, development, delivery, correcting of scripts and feedback submission to candidates for the module on ‘Engagement and Motivation’. In addition to the Diploma in Anne Marie is one of the IMI’s Course Specialists on the 6-day Essential Skills of Management course, which blends management and organisational theory with practice, for entry-middle level managers. Aspects of the Essential Skills of Management course are also delivered by Anne Marie to organisational clients, custom-tailored for their specific needs with a recent example being the Cork City Council Library Managers. Anne Marie also has a role at IMI/ Cork University Business School in executive coaching with Emotional Intelligence psychometrics (EQi and ECR) both on the Level 9 QQI/Masters Diploma in Leadership and on the ‘Women In Leadership’ programme. As a Coaching Assessor on the Diploma in Executive Coaching, also a Level 9 QQI/Masters, Anne Marie is responsible for assessing candidates in coaching, submitting marks based on observational evidence and giving candidate feedback via UCC’s Canvas e-learning platform. I have no reservation in recommending Anne Marie Crowley to deliver learning modules and coaching, at Level 8 QQI/Degree and above.

Andrew McLaughlin, Programme Leader and Senior Specialist Irish Management Institute/ University College Cork Business School

“My CV was a shambles – too long, badly structured, and I desperately wanted someone to rewrite it. Then I had the great fortune to discover Anne Marie. She didn’t rewrite it for me, instead she guided me through the process and helped me look at myself and my working life differently. I had one zoom session, which combined cv structure and interview coaching, followed by invaluable emails that were both enlightening and supportive. The result – I’m now almost 3 months into my new role and would highly recommend Anne Marie. Her input was definitely a game changer for me.”
Olwyn Mullally Accounts Administrator, Mainline Group

“Anne Marie designed and delivered two highly engaging team building workshops for me and my team at Novartis. The experience was insightful, challenging, practical and also fun. In addition, I had the benefit of undertaking an Executive coaching programme with Anne Marie using EQI.20 Emotional Intelligence tool. Anne Marie works in an holistic way incorporating the whole person – at work and outside work which was illuminating. Anne Marie is insightful, a great listener, asked tough questions as needed and provided the right level of push to support me as I worked through new ideas and solutions. Anne Marie provided me with a wealth of practical learning materials which I can refer to as required. I am delighted to recommend Anne Marie in professional and corporate coaching, EI, insights training, facilitation in organisational change.”
Sandra Walsh Payroll Services Manager, Novartis Business Services

“I had the absolute pleasure of receiving coaching and guidance from Anne Marie. Anne Marie’s approach to the meetings was to provide an environment where anything could be discussed. This allowed some deep reflection and helped me identify the areas that I needed to focus on. This insight helped me align my career and helped me progress. I would highly recommend Anne Marie for coaching.”
Darren Burnett Director Technical Support, CCOe GSS, VMWare

“Anne Marie conducted a leadership programme when I was on the leadership team at FCOS Chartered Accountants.  I was really impressed with Anne Marie’s approach and I got great clarity on role within the orgnaisationfrom going through the process with her. The programme was well-designed and thought provoking.”
Eimear Kelly Financial Controller, Life Science Consultants and FCOS Chartered Accountants

“Anne Marie redesigned our global program on building one’s level of emotional intelligence using a blended learning approach that covers all elements of EI. It was a pleasure collaborating with her along the way and learn from her expertise in this area. The program has been a success and I should add that she pulled out the stops in order to get us the final product on our tight deadline. Many thanks.”
Trevor Lynch Global Lead, Novartis Learning