Blog Posts

Anne Marie’s Musings and Wonderings, full of thoughts, questions, ideas to help readers reflect upon their own lives

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Why SMARTER goals always win the day

I was never a fan of goal-setting.  I studiously avoided writing out goals for my annual performance plan and when it came to that time of year for review, usually the dreaded first few days of January, I just said to myself, well I know what I want to do

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Why Fairness matters

Our brains are wired to seek pleasure (reward) and avoid pain (threat): I know this is a very simplistic way to view the human being when we are so complex and yes, it is not the complete answer on how to be engaged at work, but, it does make sense

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Celebrate, celebrate and embrace those highs

Looking to our brains, for a change, research from neuroscience reveals the simple secrets on how to be motivated and to foster an environment where motivation can thrive. At the very heart of motivation is our human instinct to avoid pain/threat and seek out reward/pleasure and David Rock’s SCARF model is

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BRAIN POWER, motivate yourself and others to be fulfilled

  From studies in neuroscience, scientists have learned that human beings are wired to seek reward/pleasure and avoid threat/pain.  Analysis of brain patterns have shown that when we are physically threatened or in physical pain, the same parts of the brain are affected as when we feel a social threat

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