Blog Posts

Anne Marie’s Musings and Wonderings, full of thoughts, questions, ideas to help readers reflect and develop new skills 

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The Old Tie boys, what about the girls?

  I was at the annual UCC Commerce Society Business Conference a week ago which was dominated by men in suits, while the audience was more female than male and full of bright, hopeful, smart Commerce Students. The speakers, while engaging and imminent in their own right, representing a broad spectrum of

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Busy managers can coach for success…

Most of us when we think of coaching we think of slow, takes forever to get results, how could I coach anyone, I am not qualified and anyway I really do not have the time. There are many myths about coaching and one of them is that coaching is a

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Make the most of your precious holiday leave… here’s how

Well, it is that time of year again.  You’ve saved up the holiday leave, and the money, you’ve planned, searched and booked, probably last January just after the post-Christmas blues set in and finally it’s here: the annual summer holiday.  This year will be different, we won’t squabble, cry, tear

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Get to ‘yes’ and ditch the compromise, here’s how….

A brilliant and amazingly effective skill of assertive people, is the ability to get to yes.  It is a powerful, collaborative and positive approach to life.  Assertive people are superb at getting to yes, they are influential and organised, they get things done, the right way for them and for

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How to grow your assertiveness, first step observation….

In my previous blog post, if you answered the 18 questions honestly, you will broadly know whether you tend towards assertiveness.  This is the first step in self-awareness.  The challenge now is to ‘take a look’ at yourself: observe and analyse the choices you make every day. Reflect by playing

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Assertiveness can be grown……

A lack of assertive ability and skill, hold many people back from living their lives the way they want to; it is often at the heart of disengaged and demotivated people at work. A key component of EQ (emotional intelligence), assertiveness has often come up in many of my coaching

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